Meow Wolf the dark palace national western complex denver boulder colorado fiber art painting installation immersive experiential fabric textiles recycled found objects materials artwork

Meow Wolf: The Dark Palace

November 2019
National Western Complex, Denver, CO

Santa Fe’s renowned arts and entertainment company, Meow Wolf, took over the National Western Complex for a 3-day immersive art and music event in Denver, Colorado, called “The Dark Palace”. The event was a precursor to the company’s new interactive art museum in Denver, Convergence Station.

“The Dark Palace” featured Colorado artists like: Collin Parson, Moe Gram, Denver Digerati, Secret Love Collective, The Girls of Denver Kiki Sessions, Werk Out Palace, Jon Medina, Psychopomps, Rainbow Militia, Matt Barton, Laleh Mehran & Chris Coleman, Ethnograph, Jon Medina, and more. The experience also included a lineup of musicians such as Late Night Radio, Claude Von Stroke (founder of California-based Dirtybird Records), Of the Trees, the late CharlestheFirst, Meghan Hamilton, Shades (the international duo of Alix Perez - Belgium/UK- and Eprom-USA-), Mikey Thunder, VCTRE, and more.

November 22-24, 2019

National Western Complex
Denver, Colorado