Eclectic Motion

April 1 - May 14, 2022
Laramie County Community College, Esther & John Clay Gallery, Cheyenne, WY

Fiber art paintings series art installation exhibition emma balder denver artist wyoming west coast visiting artist

Eclectic Motion, a solo exhibition of works by Emma Balder, channels an array of movements within the natural world. A diverse collection of fiber paintings and sculptural paintings, each work captures moments frozen in the midst of change: clouds drifting by, an undulating wave, the erratic force of the wind. Reflecting a continual experimentation in Balder’s practice, the works place material transformation at the forefront. As curator Heather Bhandari states, “the pieces give a lasting impression of motion and serve as a compelling reminder of what it means to be alive – that breaking, mending, rearrangement, and renewal are constant truths.” While movement presents itself in many forms, its message remains the same; movement creates change, and change is a cornerstone to growth.

Artist Emma Balder's show, Eclectic Motion, will be on view from Apr. 1 - May 14 in the Esther and John Clay Fine Art Gallery. The opening reception will be held from 12 - 1:30 p.m. on Apr. 4, 2022. It will be followed by an Artist Talk at 2 p.m. in the Surbrugg/Prentice Auditorium on Apr. 4, 2022.

Balder will be the Visiting Artist at LCCC for the month of April and will be teaching during the Advanced Painting/Drawing course.
